Ward and Stake Activities

National Day of Service:  The stake will be participating in the National Day of Service on Saturday September 7th.  There are several different service opportunities, including:

  • Community Cleanup:  Meet at the Stake Center at 8 am for instructions. Families are welcome. We will be picking up trash to beautify our community.
  • Donations Drive in support of the WCSD Foundation.  See list of needed items in attached flyer.  
  • Monetary donations
  • Write a letter to a service person or missionary.

Stake Religion Class: Book of Mormon with Brother Randy Judd. The classes held on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm will continue through the rest of the year and will follow the Come Follow Me curriculum for the Book of Mormon in 2024. Depending on attendance during the summer months, the classes may be moved to the Relief Society room in the Rachel Building. Zoom access will continue to be provided for those not able to attend in person.

Stake Priesthood Meeting Date Change:  The date of the Stake Priesthood meeting has been moved to September 15th at 6:00 pm from September 22nd.  Please update calendars. 
